Friday, July 19, 2013

It's game time!

On February 27, 2013 Cameron invited me to go the Jazz game, which was my very first basketball game I had ever attended. It was a lot of fun! I didn't realize that bball games were actually entertaining. There were people doing stuff and it was just a fun environment. But maybe it's because I was with a certain person. ;) 
Anyways, I had an awesome time. It was nice to get to know Cameron more, to laugh, and to enjoy his company. 
Oh also before this date happened, Cameron had invited me to his friend's bday party at Tucanos. There I met the majority of his main group of friends. It was nice getting to know them and figuring out some things about Cameron from them. That's also where I found out that I am Amy 2.0. Long story short, the girl Cameron was dating before me was also named Amy. Funny right? And I found out that Cameron was actually a bit hesitant to ask me out since my name is Amy. I don't blame him. It would be weird to date someone with the same name of the person you just broke up with. BUT I am so so so so so so SO very glad that he got past the name thing and kept dating me. That decision definitely made my life so much better. :)

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