Sunday, February 5, 2012

Quote of the day

Here's a quote from a tv show I adore called Pushing Daisies. I whole-heartedly agree with this quote. Trying to be happy is a very brave thing to do, especially during this day and age where there are a lot of people suffering depression or some kind of sadness in their life. I believe that if we try to be happy, even though we may feel sad for any particular reason, we'll eventually learn to overcome the veil of despair that looms over us and be enlightened by the rays of happiness. Starting now, I want to make a goal to wake up every morning and choose to be happy. Even if school is stressing me out, if I'm feeling sad about something, or whatever may happen, I won't allow myself to be sad. I will constantly try my best to always be happy. Anyways, this is a quote where I think that everyone should have printed out and placed somewhere where they can see it everyday

"I think it's brave to try to be happy. You've gotten so comfortable being unhappy. Wouldn't it be wonderful to wake up in the morning and choose to be happy, to let the water wash everything away?" - Vivian Charles in Pushing Daisies.

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