Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Promptings in life

Oh my gosh. I love the gospel sooooooo much. I can't even express my gratitude for it, because my gratitude too big for words. Okay, so today after Young Women's, my friends Riley and Meghan sat with me in the Church kitchen and we just had a spiritual discussion. It wasn't as big as one that we've had before, but it was really good. Then after that, I swear that the spirit was just bursting out of us, because we had another discussion out in the cold that last for about 30 mins. (believe it or not Riley and Meghan) And we feel that should should be proactive in our lives and do more spiritual things such as scripture study and spiritual conversations weekly. We also feel that we need to do something for those who are in poverty/need of help, such as Africa, Mexico, South America, and all those places. We really want to start some type of campaign or anything that can help them. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please let me know. My friends and I will deeply appreciate if you have any information. Thank you so much!! Also, if you have any chance to help someone, do service, etc, take the time and do it! You can bless lives and that is what our Savior would want us to do.


Q said...

Advice to help Africa: spray DDT to kill mosquitoes that carry malaria.

redhotturkeypepper said...

the spirit and the gospel are great things to impiment in your lives like that and i'm glad that you guys are doing something like that...i only wish i lived a bit closer to you guys so i could see your sweet spirits in action more. i wish that i had the opportunity to share more of my spiritual side with you guys as well...but anways as for helping people i think that is a brilliant idea! :D i've always wanted to do that myself and i'd like to help you guys as well. it's nice to start out small and closer to home is my suggestion...then you can work your way up. I've been in the situation where my family has needed a bit of help and others have stepped up providing for us. that is why i feel so strongly about this and i'm glad to find out that you guys do as well! I think that people should be more aware in their lives and be more selfless, helping those around who stand in need. Some ideas of things that i've done and continue to do when i can are:
*find out from your bishop of those less fortunate in your ward (this is usually a good place to start) and brainstorm things to do. I've done secret santa's for people in my ward and even provided services to those who can't afford or can't do certain things. It's always fun to do these things secretly! :D
*find somewhere you can volunteer...the food bank is a good place but i think you have to be 17 unless your with a YM/YW group or something like that...
*the humanitarian projects are a great thing to do and you can do them on your own time with a group of friends as well and it's super fun! there are a lot of things to do
I'll try to think of more things as well and if you don't mind i'd like to help you guys with this because it's something i'm VERY passionate about and i love serving anyone in any way i can. just let me know

BrittWilk said...

You're amazing Amy! I love you and I'm so glad you're my sister. You're such a good example to me and to my sweet baby. We love you!